Breast cancer. What do you think of first when you hear those words? Do
you immediately think of death? Does your mind instantly conjure up
pictures of bald, gaunt women in the midst of chemotherapy treatment? Or
do you see yourself in the mirror wondering if you might possibly be
the next person to receive a diagnosis? You may not have pictured any of
these scenarios; instead, you may have immediately thought about the
discovery of a palpable lump in breast tissue. And while breast lumps
are very common warning signs of possible cancer, they are not the only
There are several less-known warning signs of a possibility of breast
disease. In this post, my desire is to bring awareness to lesser-known
symptoms in hopes of helping save someone's life. When it comes to
breast cancer awareness, knowledge is power and the more we know, the
better prepared we can be for the future.
Before we begin talking about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer,
may I ask you a question? How well do you know your breasts? That's an
embarrassing question for some, but it's an important one. Do you ever
take time to really look at your breasts? If you haven't scrutinized
them before, it's time you do.
When you have the opportunity, stand in front of a large mirror. Remove
your blouse and bra. Look at yourself from the neck down. As you view
your chest area, look at the size of your breasts. They may or may not
be symmetrical and that's OK. Many women are born with one breast
slightly larger or smaller than the other. The important thing is to
really pay attention to how your breasts look.
While viewing your breasts, look at them in a scientific manner. Do you
notice any immediate areas of concern? If so, make a mental note of the
area. You may even want to take a digital picture. Next, turn your body
to the side. View your breasts individually from each side. Once again,
look for any areas of concern. After completing the visual inspection of
your breasts, now would be a good time to do a breast self-exam. If
you've never done one before, they are fairly easy to do. Here are step
by step instructions.
Now, let's discuss the less common signs that could indicate a
possibility of breast cancer. One of the first and most commonly
overlooked signs is a slight puckering of the breast. The puckering may
be very slight. It might not be visible unless you lift your arms and
look at your breasts in the mirror with arms raised. If you notice any
puckering, no matter how slight, you need to see your doctor and have
this area checked. The puckering may be near the nipple, along the sides
of your breasts, or anywhere along your breast tissue. As a tumor in
the breast begins to grow, it can sometimes disrupt the architecture of
the skin and cause a pulling of tissues and ligaments. Puckering may be
so slight it only looks like a mild indentation and it may resolve after
you've moved your arms back into a normal position.
Along with puckering, another possible sign of breast cancer is breast
dimpling. Dimpling is a type of condition that resembles the skin of an
orange. There may be slight pitting or dimples along the breast tissue.
If you notice any such areas, please have them checked as soon as
Another less common sign of possible breast cancer involves the nipple.
This symptom is more noticeable and more commonly shared with a medical
professional. This sign involves discharge. Any discharge that comes
from the nipple on its own should be reported to a doctor, especially if
it is tinged with blood. Nipple discharges that come from the nipple
upon squeezing, do not usually indicate breast cancer. In fact, a
slightly cloudy fluid may be normal colostrum in women who are pregnant
or about to begin nursing.
Changes in the color of the nipple or areola should also be reported to
your doctor. Sometimes a flaking or irritation of the nipple can signal a
problem. If your nipple has changed in appearance, pay particular
attention. Breast cancer can invade nipple tissue causing variations in
texture, appearance, or color. An inverting (turning inward) of the
nipple could also signal a problem.
Another less known sign of breast cancer can be breast pain. If you
notice a particular area of your breast that hurts, like a deep, inner
throbbing, have your doctor evaluate it as soon as possible. A growing
tumor can cause breast tissue pain.
Red spots on the skin of the breast can also be warning signs of a
problem. Although this sign is often disregarded, it can be a very
subtle warning signal of a very dangerous type of breast cancer. Red
areas on the breast tissue can warn of inflammatory breast cancer. This
type of cancer is rare, but needs to be evaluated quickly. If your
breast becomes warm, red, swollen, or if you notice your breast tissues
has thickened, please get checked. You may only have a type of breast
infection but it's always better to be safe than sorry.
Now that you know some of the lesser known symptoms of breast cancer,
please be sure and check your breasts on a regular basis. Perhaps you'd
like to put a reminder in your phone calendar or find some other way to
help you remember to check yourself. There are even websites you can
sign up for that will send you free reminders, Check Your Boobies is one
such organization. Along with these symptoms, please remember, in your
exams, to pay particular attention to any lumps, masses or areas of hard
tissue you come across. Also, make sure to have regular mammograms or
other diagnostic tests. While these tests are vitally important, the
majority of breast cancers are found by women who are diligent to check
their bodies. It's our responsibility to do what we can to protect
In the event you notice any of the symptoms described in this article,
don't instantly become fearful and assume you have breast cancer but do
see a doctor as soon as possible. Early detection can often prevent more
serious problems later.
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